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Terms and Conditions

PLEASE READ THE FOLLOWING TERMS AND CONDITIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE USING THE SITE. Union Enterprises is owned and operated by Union Holdings Limited. By using this site, users acknowledge and agree the Terms and Conditions. If user does not accept the Terms and Conditions, please do not use the site.

Unless otherwise stated, all copyright and any other rights in all content information or materials included in all pages of this website, including without limitation all texts and images and their arrangement, are owned by the Union Enterprises.
Union Enterprises grants permission to browse, display, download and print materials on this website in its original format for non-commercial use only. All other uses are prohibited unless specific prior consent is obtained from Union Enterprises.

The information contained in the website and any hyperlinked website included therein are provided for general information purposes only. You are encouraged to conduct your own enquiries to verify any particular item of information provided on this website. We accept no responsibility for any error or omission in such information.

Price displayed in this website may be different from the final total amount, if necessary; our customer services representatives will confirm the most updated price with you before delivery and payment.

Information collection and use
Union Enterprises is committed to protecting your privacy. We will not sell or disclose any information that identifies you to a third party without your prior approval. We will only use the information that we collect about you lawfully.

We collect information about you for the purpose of carrying on the company’s business, including the sales of products and services online.

The type of information we may request and then store includes:

  • your personal information (name, gender, lifestyles…)

  • address (office address, delivery address..)

  • contact details (email, phone, mobile, fax…)

  • payment details

1. All promotions are available for ordering on only.
2. Promotional offer while stock lasts.
3. Promotion cannot be redeemed for cash
4. Union Enterprises reserve the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice.
5. All disputes about the promotion will subject to final decision of Union Enterprises.

Bonus Points
1. Bonus point redemption program is applicable for members order on web and not applicable for *contract customers of Union Enterprises.
2. All stock and gift items offered under this program are available while stock lasts
3. Bonus point cannot be redeemed for cash
4. Once the redemption order is accepted, bonus point will be deducted from member accounts directly.
5. If the redemption order(s) from members is rejected (ie. Insufficient bonus point in exchange for gift items) , members will be informed separately
6. Bonus points accrued to a member’s account cannot be transferred or combined with any other account, even if such account belongs to the same registered member
7. For any cancelled order on whatsoever reasons, bonus point earned will be automatically deducted from member account directly
8. All earned bonus point will be valid for 12 months only. Expired bonus point will be deducted from member account and will not be notified.
9. Once the redemption order is accepted, it cannot be changed, cancelled or refunded.
10. Once the redemption order is accepted, members will be notified within one to two weeks for collection of gift or stock items.
11. Any abuse relating to the redemption orders may result in the forfeiture of bonus point earned and cancellation of member web accounts.
12. All products , gifts, cash coupons offered under bonus scheme are directly supplied to the customer by designated merchants who are responsible for all related obligations and liabilities
13. Union Enterprises reserves the right to revise the terms and conditions herein and the bonus points required for redemption of stock/gift items from time to time
14. All disputes under the bonus point redemption program will subject to final decision of Union Enterprises.

*Contract customers have already entitled for special offers from Union Enterprises and cannot enjoy the bonus point redemption gift concurrently. If you are interested to become a contract customer, please contact our sales hotline at 2395-4281

Your Right
We will never collect sensitive information about you without your explicit consent. The information we hold will be accurate and up to date. You can check the information that we hold about you by emailing us. Once you have provided us with your personally identifiable information, you will have reasonable access to that information so you can change or delete it.

About Cookies
Our website will send a “cookie” to your computer. This allows us to recognize your computer when you revisit our website. We may use the cookie information to compile useful statistics for general analysis. You can erase or block this information by changing the settings on your computer.

Should you have any enquiries concerning our Terms and Conditions, please feel free to contact us. The address is as follows:
Union Enterprises
Unit C, 19/F, Roxy Industrial Centre, 
41-49 Kwai Cheong Road, 
Kwai Chung, Hong Kong
Email Address:



凡顧客向本公司購買《產品環保責任條例》所指定的受管制電器,包括空調機、洗衣機、電冰箱、電視機、電腦、列印機、掃描器及顯示器,可要求安排免費移走與所購買相同種類及數量的舊電器(須屬同類受管制電器註 1)




(a)  顧客可於購貨時告知銷售人員提出(在送貨同時間收貨);或

(b)  於交易後 3 日內致電 23954281 向本公司提出要求,逾期作放棄除舊服務處理。


(a)  一般情況下,須預留 3 個工作天安排除舊服務

(b)  在回收商指定的日期,到顧客指定的地點移走舊件

(c)  星期日及公眾假期休息


(a)    除舊服務與送貨及安裝服務分開處理,等待移除的舊件可按需要較先移走,或短暫存放於移除地點,稍後才移走,顧客可與職員安排

(b)   舊件一經收取,恕不退回

(c)    舊件必須獨立放置,脫離任何裝置、連接系統、或有障礙的存放位置

(d)   若舊件有嚴重的衛生問題(例如:有餿汁殘渣、蟑螂、螞蟻),工作人員有權拒絕移走該舊件,消費者亦不會再享有免費的除舊服務

(e)    顧客如需更改已約定的除舊服務地點或時間,請於至少 2 個工作天內致電通知

(f)    如遇上黑色暴雨警告 /八號或以上熱帶氣旋警告信號,除舊服務將會暫停,並另作安排

(g)   於約定的除舊時間,因交通或天氣情況,或其它因素影響有所延誤、暫停或改期,本公司恕不負任何責任

(h)   顧客、聯絡人的個人資料只作除舊服務用途,本公司將會遵守《個人資料

(私隱)條例》(香港法例第 486 章)處理

(i)     如有任何爭議,本公司保留最終的決定權。


註 1

空調機: 包括獨立式及分體式空調機,屬氣冷式或氣暖式(或兩者),其額定製冷量不超過 7.5 千瓦(即 3 匹)。洗衣機: 其額定洗衣量不超過 10 公斤。

電冰箱: 其總容積不超過 500 公升。

電視機: 其顯示屏幕的尺寸不超過 100 吋(以對角斜角量度)。

電 腦: 包括個人電腦、桌上電腦、平板電腦、手提電腦及筆記簿電腦。

列印機: 其重量不超過 30 公斤; 如同時用作影印機、圖文傳真機或掃描器,仍視作列印機。掃描器: 其重量不超過 30 公斤。

顯示器: 不具備儲存電子數據或運算的功能; 其顯示屏幕的尺寸為 5.5 吋至 100 吋內(以對角斜角量度)。

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